Hallman Company Retail Consultants

Looking For A Retail Consultant? 

Are you looking to gain more control over your inventory and buying? Are you wanting to increase profitable sales? Do you need to see more cash in your business, or possibly even open a new store? A retail business is demanding, and as an owner operator, you have a lot to manage. You have to manage people- staff, customers, and vendor reps. You have to manage the marketing, the selling, and the money. If you feel overwhelmed, if you are not getting all you want from your retail business, it may be time to partner with a specialist. You may want to ask an established retail consultant to take a no-cost deep look into your business history and results compared to your vision and dreams.

You should schedule an interview with us.

“I  understood more about my business in each meeting with these folks than I ever did with my accountant. And my accountant is good.”

Leo Shaia, Vice President (Retired) Shaia’s Fine Menswear  

Since 1989,  Hallman Company Retail Consultants has been working shoulder to shoulder with owners like you. Today our retail consulting practice is, itself, a family-owned “boutique” consulting practice. For more than 30 years, we have helped select retail owners like you chart higher levels of success in their store(s).

We get results! Our retail consulting clients average seeing a 500% Return On Investment in our fee! 

 “Absolutely the very best!” Beth Dorsett/ Krista Dickinson Co-Owners B. Happy Gift  Shop

 How do we do it? By bringing specialized knowledge and “Big Business” weapons to beef up the arsenal of your small business. State of the art proprietary solutions previously available only to the big guys.

These solutions are all retail systems customized to your women’s fashions boutique, menswear clothing store, gift shop or other retail business.

“Whenever other boutique owners  confide in me about a problem, I say  ‘Call Hallman Company!’ ”

Bryson Kessler, Owner Clover+Bee Boutique 

We turn your data into information, and together we turn your information into action. That resulting action- or actions- is monitored and measured so we know they are delivering to you the results you are seeking.

  Proven Solutions That Support Your Mission

The Buying     The Selling      The Profiting

Before we can begin solving your problem, we need to ask you a few questions- and you likely have questions to ask us- so don’t wait! Request a meeting.